Last week I completed the iPad and Mac badges to be recognized as an Apple Teacher… one step closer the ADE2017!
What I love about this is how Apple has launched it: they set the user up for success. Its not just a set of comprehension questions, though they do make up part of it. Apple has created a series of resources that teach you everything you need to know to pass the test.
There are individual Starter Guides for all the Apple made apps in either the iPad or Mac edition.
There are also two extra books on creativity and productivity. This is where the Apple Teacher program has legs (strange saying my husband has recently adopted) meaning that it has the potential to “walk around on its own” and allow for seemingly infinite possibilities. Don’t be content just using one app – honestly: no single app is going to do everything you need, especially if you want your students to be creative!
Here is a screenshot from the Fostering Creativity, mac edition. Its like an app recipe! Once you know the recipe, then you can start changing it, adjusting it to your personal taste, and then the kids try it, they modify it again and before you know it the process is so different from where you started it’s unrecognisable! It’s got legs!
I strongly recommend that you have a look at their dedicated website and make use of the free to access resources it contains.