Having a plan for the effective use of technology in schools is as important and buying the devices… buying devices is easy but having a plan requires time, research, patience, experience, vision… in short a plan. Do you have plan?
This is a list of questions that will help you stimulate and refine your thinking about technology integration. They are in no particular order however I have tried to group them according to thread of thought.
- What device will best reflect our pedagogical stance?
- What are we expecting our teachers to do with this device?
- How are we going to support our teachers to achieve this?
- What kind of support is going to be most effective for our teaching cohort?
- What kind of learning materials are we supporting teachers to create?
- What kind of learning materials are we going to develop to support teaching and learning?
- What kind of learning artefacts are we aiming for students to create?
- What will be the cost of this device and are we able to sustain a 3 year upgrade cycle? Do we buy or rent the devices?
This is a growing document of questions and areas of consideration. Stay tuned for more.