Mr. & Mrs.
living and working together

Samuel Wright
Apple Distinguished Educator 2015
As an educator I value creativity and the paths imaginative ideas can take you. I also enjoy exploring ways to show these journeys. When I started out teaching Mathematics and Music I brought this passion to my lessons and I am happy to say it has only grown with all the wonderful ideas students and colleagues have shared with me. With my own higher education I chose courses that would help me provide my students with more adventurous ideas and the means to make them. Whether through or iBooks or Orff Pedagogy I seek to develop ideas that inspire students and their teachers. Technology has been a large part of my journey and it has aided me in building on taught concepts, and has provided me with ways to showcase student learning. My journey is still continuing as I teach internationally: first in Asia, and now in Europe, while I complete an additional Masters through the Berklee College of Music.

Laura Wright
Apple Distinguished Educator 2017
Being creative and making ideas come to life is a natural process for me. I have an extended family of talented artists and makers. I considered different creative professions before Samuel and I started raising two very clever boys yet there was always something holding me back. At home with our boys, I experienced the joy of inquiry and the creative and academic fulfilment it brought so I pursued my education certification. Teaching internationally, in both Asia and Europe, is a challenging and rewarding path. I have used Apple technologies to support students create; e-portfolios, video tutorials, podcasts, iBooks and HTML5 websites, and now as the PYP Digital Learning Specialist, I am able to support other teachers do the same. It's not the 'bells and whistles' of technology that make it a revolution for education, it's the learning, collaboration, and publishing opportunities that would otherwise be impossible. I hope our site inspires you.