Having a plan for the effective use of technology in schools is as important and buying the devices… buying devices is easy but having a plan requires time, research, patience, experience, vision… in short a plan. Do you have plan?
Read MoreHaving a plan for the effective use of technology in schools is as important and buying the devices… buying devices is easy but having a plan requires time, research, patience, experience, vision… in short a plan. Do you have plan?
Read MoreIt has been a very busy year… as it is every year. The pandemic however has made 2020 stand out from among the rest as unique. Had you told me two years ago that I would be teaching from home I would’ve laughed at you.
The other day I was on the phone with my parents and they made a confession to me of sorts. They were talking about their holiday last year into central and northern Australia. They said that before they went they hadn’t given much thought to Aboriginal culture: considered it a little boring and a bit basic. During their holiday they went on a few different tours that changed their minds dramatically, one specifically that looked at the meaning behind traditional dance and art. “It was fascinating,” they said, “and our whole thinking has shifted from ignorance to respect.”
Read MoreAt the end of this calendar year, a group of teachers from ISH participated in an amazing 6-week course with Rachel French and Carla Marshall on Concept-Based Inquiry in Action. The structure of the course followed their book of the same name, supported by recorded videos of the authors and others of classroom practice from around the world.
Read MoreAnother one – here is my Running Grey Fox Animation resource. Read More
So excited! Inspired by the very creative @BenHaydenEDU, here is my Running Grey Fox Animation resource. Read More
Last post for the year – so quick I’m not even going to make a cover image for it.
Student reference resource: Keynote handwriting style letter formation with animations.
In honour of the beautiful Leena and the #IBAD2019 International Baccalaureate conference being held in Abu Dhabi, I made another quick update to the #MyKeynoteCharacter Read More
Visible Thinking Routines, are a series of processes developed by Harvard’s Project Zero and published in Ron Ritchart’s book Making Thinking Visible. They are completely amazing – simple yet powerful structures for thinking and learning. These structures have been adopted as one of the five essential practices at my new school.
International mindedness, intercultural learning, global competence… all these terms are slight variations on a theme, an ever growingly important aspect of modern life: you are one of many people on this earth and there are people out there that think differently to you; not because they are evil or even unkind, ignorant or better informed, educated or not, not even because they are WRONG or RIGHT… just because they think differently.
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