Having a plan for the effective use of technology in schools is as important and buying the devices… buying devices is easy but having a plan requires time, research, patience, experience, vision… in short a plan. Do you have plan?
Read MoreHaving a plan for the effective use of technology in schools is as important and buying the devices… buying devices is easy but having a plan requires time, research, patience, experience, vision… in short a plan. Do you have plan?
Read MoreIt has been a very busy year… as it is every year. The pandemic however has made 2020 stand out from among the rest as unique. Had you told me two years ago that I would be teaching from home I would’ve laughed at you.
International mindedness, intercultural learning, global competence… all these terms are slight variations on a theme, an ever growingly important aspect of modern life: you are one of many people on this earth and there are people out there that think differently to you; not because they are evil or even unkind, ignorant or better informed, educated or not, not even because they are WRONG or RIGHT… just because they think differently.
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I really enjoy creating digital print media: posters, advertisements, programs… I think I like it because it is creative but also because it has such a definitive end – a moment when it is finished/completed. This is something that education never really has… Learning will always continue and the work of supporting our students never really ends. Even when they leave your class and sometimes even when they leave school – education continues. Read More
As part of a unit I am currently working on, I have been playing around with the animation tools in Keynote. Testing what are the capabilities and the limits.
With the changes to Keynote toward the end of last year I knew I wanted to use the iCloud collaboration tool in my Individuals and Societies class. Read More
About five years ago when our family of three had two iPads I put together a little booklet of apps we loved to use with our little boy – then only four. Read More
In continuation from the previous posts about sourcing creative commons licensed images, this post will be about how to use those images, together with your own, to create amazing content!
Canva is a free to use graphic design platform accessible through your web browser or an easily downloaded free app for iDevices. Read More
This sneak peak is of a music education resource we are currently making with the amazing Karen Carey and the very talented Ironwood Ensemble! For this project we are commissioning U.K. illustrator Rebecca Burgees to create a series of three caricatures of the great composer. Here is the Home page:
UPDATE August 2016: maybe an iBook…
Sssshhhhhh!!! We have been working on a very secret exciting project for the last couple of weeks and are now ready to share the cover art! Read More