Reading Correlation Chart

Posted by | November 08, 2017 | Resource | 4 Comments
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One area that we have been working on this year at our school is Literacy. As a young school, it’s exciting starting fresh with new systems and programs but it does take time to decide which one will meet our needs.  There are many areas we need to develop but we have decided to use Oxford Reading Tree levelled books. These books have engaging storylines and a wide range of books. The goal is to accumulate a decent library of ORT books while levelling the books we already have in the library so everything works together. After a bit of research, we were able to create a correlation chart of all the reading scheme levels, together with WIDA levels.

We are currently using a Fontas and Pinnell benchmarking box while we decide on a whole primary school solution. Below I have attached a spreadsheet we are going to use in the coming year to collate student results data for reports. This is a template so I have included a column for each month however as I will be teaching grade 4, I plan on assessing reading four times over the course of the year.

Download Numbers Spreadsheet

Let me know if you have any suggestions for how we can make either of these resources better. If they are at all helpful to your practice please let us know 🙂

UPDATE: This resource is a combination of resources I have found online. Usually they contained one or two elements but never all together. I created this file for my own personal use, and for the use of teachers at my school. There is no extensive research behind it, simply a need that had to be met.


About Laura Wright

Laura is a passionate educator, researcher and designer. Her experience teaching in Asia and Europe have fueled her desire to provide authentic learning experiences supporting creativity through technology integration. She loves to travel and read everything. Follow her @MrsLauraW.


  • Kelly says:

    What research did you use? How did you determine the WIDA match for reading levels? Thanks!

  • May says:

    This looks amazing! Makes perfect sense to me. I would love to use this as a resource for advocating AGAINST retention of ELLs. How is this working two years later? Is this based on research that I could read up on?